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Electrolytes That Support Hydration, Performance and Muscle Function

About Mineral Resources International

Our story starts in 1968, when Hartley Anderson read a series of newspaper articles written by Dr. George W. Crane Ph.D. M.D., who published the amazing results people received from drinking small amounts of seawater daily. Dr. Crane theorized that the abundant minerals and trace minerals contained in seawater played an essential role in maintaining optimal health. These articles struck Hartley like a lightning bolt since he [...]

By |2021-08-24T00:47:27-06:00February 1st, 2019|* Posts In English, Health, Lifestyle|Comments Off on About Mineral Resources International

Acerca de Mineral Resources International

Nuestra historia comienza en 1968, cuando Hartley Anderson leyó una serie de artículos periodísticos escritos por el Dr. George W. Crane Ph.D. M.D., quien publicó los sorprendentes resultados que las personas recibieron al beber diariamente pequeñas cantidades de agua de mar. El Dr. Crane teorizó que los abundantes minerales y micro minerales contenidos en el agua de mar desempeñaban un papel esencial en el mantenimiento de una salud [...]

By |2020-08-18T13:56:18-06:00February 7th, 2019|* Mensajes en español, Health, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Acerca de Mineral Resources International
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