Both elete Electrolyte Add-In and elete CitriLyte Add-In share some similarities. Both are pure, liquid electrolyte concentrates designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of athletes during extended training and competition. Both make electrolyte water with minimal flavor. Both provide a complete balance of the electrolytes athletes lose in sweat and exertion. Neither contain calories, carbs, or artificial ingredients. Both allow athletes the freedom to dose as much or as little electrolytes as desired. However, there are some key points in which the products differ from one another.
elete CitriLyte Add-In features zinc and citric acid. Zinc is a trace mineral, meaning the body requires it in very small, or trace amounts. Zinc is important for mental and immune function. Citric acid occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables, notably citrus fruits. In biochemistry, it is an important intermediary in the citric acid cycle and it, therefore, occurs in the metabolism of humans and many species. When mixed in water, elete CitriLyte has a light, tart flavor, very similar to if you’d added a lemon slice or wedge to your water. CitriLyte allows athletes to significantly increase the dosage of electrolytes to their water without significantly altering water’s palatability. CitriLyte is ideal for those individuals sensitive to mineral flavor.